25 August . 2018
Back to School Tips!
Back to school tips.
From one mom to another, we all know back to school can be a stressful time. So here are a few tips to help make things go a little smother for you and your little ones!
Healthy eating: Starting the day off with a balanced breakfast will get them going. Keep their little minds moving with a lunch packed with protein, veggies and fruits. Dinner time should be family time.
Homework a priority: Making homework a daily habit will help keep them on track. Have a quiet space for them to study. Make sure their study space is prepped with everything they will need. Also have a little snack for them!
Limit electronics: We all know kids love their tablets and tv, but it’s important to limit the time they are on them. Make it something they earn or even a special family movie time.
Bedtime schedule: This time can but used to prepare for the next day. From outfits to lunches. Having a bath before bed is a great way to calm them form the day. A set time for sleep will help with the early mornings.
Communication with teachers: Communication is key to a successful school year. Open conversation with them in many ways. By phone, emails, social media to parent teacher meetings.
There are so many ways to have a great school year! You just need to find what works best for you and your family!